Buggy Time

I have been part of the blogging world and not ready to give it up. Thus I will continue here or be striked on until I continue.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Can't Sleep

Yesterday I must have not looked good. My boss even told me so and said if I didn’t feel well to go home any time. If I felt I needed to continue to work I she even said go home get in jammies and then work what you need from bed if I would feel better. Hmmm I didn’t think I looked that bad????

Yesterday my mom called. They need my help pouring concrete at my sister’s house. They need me available around 2:30 this afternoon. I told her I would see about getting off work and being there to help. Then I remembered my appointment. I had to tell her I couldn’t and why and she was like WHAT? You didn’t tell me you were going to do that. Then she wanted to know about the pain etc. I kind of wish I had just said I would be there and cancelled the appointment.

Last night I ended up going to bed around 10:30 then didn’t go to sleep till around midnight. When I did finally go to sleep it was restless and sucked. At 4am I decided to cut my losses and got up and did some work. Why can’t I sleep you might ask. Well a whole gob of issues from paying for the test, doing the test, some of it is actually pain last night making me uncomfortable, renters not making their payment, and then some other issues about needing to do some research on other issues so I am up to date on them.

Well this should make for an interesting day. I am going to go play basketball now at 5:30am. Then work my day, and at 4 go to my MRI. I did last night late get an email from my boss saying “Thinking of you and your MRI. Take all the time you need and if I need anything give her a call.” I thought that was very nice it helps to know I can do what I need for time.

I know I won't find anything out today as they will just run the test and then the doctor will have to look it over later. BUT here is my prediction. I am spending $3000 for peace of mind that I am not really sick. The Doctor will tell me no more running or basketball. I will get fat, lazy and end up dying like my uncles within the next 10 years of a heart atttack because I will not be allowed to exercise.


Blogger After Jane said...

You will be fine, you have a huge support group. You should consider working from home since you've been given that option. You will sleep better tonight when the test is all done.

6:54 AM  
Blogger ridiculous said...

also: consider that even if you can't run, there's other exercise you can do...like swimming.

i think it will be better, emotionally and physically, to just figure out what's happening.

8:07 AM  
Blogger ridiculous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:07 AM  
Blogger Cubed said...

Don't give me that, I agree that you will be fine, but you won't get fat and die like your uncles. You can still exercise.

Like Ridiculous said there is swimming. I would love to have someone to go swimming with at lunch, I might actually do it. Lets go today at lunch. Maybe Angel would give us lessons.

9:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You will be fine. I am glad you're finally getting the test. After Jane is right, you have a huge support group. Good luck today. :)

10:02 AM  

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