Buggy Time

I have been part of the blogging world and not ready to give it up. Thus I will continue here or be striked on until I continue.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I been HIT

I had a good talk with a friend today remembering some great times with David. Though it was saddening in my mind it really was a great talk to do a bit of remembering.
Went to a show tonight again and saw Blast. It was a great show and the music was awesome. My daughter loved it. She and I and the guy next to here were all playing air drums and making blruuurrrr sounds with our tongues. It was a fun night.

I did spinning this morning and all was good for pain. I am still having my deep sharp chest pain though. Wife got on me to call the doctor today and I did but missed each other with messages. Tonight that damn pain is again radiating through my back now also. I am heading to bed and see if I can dull it out in the am with some basketball. I am almost to the point of a couple of things happening. 1 the doctor visit and MRI or ignore it all and quit saying anything to anyone and live with the pain and see where it goes. I really think the stomach pain is the Osteoitis thing and just not running will fix it. The chest pain has come and gone before and I think it is more a worry thing my body does. So just relax and let it all go right?

Gator Cubed hugged me one day and then today he SLUGGED me. Added more pain to my left arm AND I have Angel to verify it she was there when he hit me.


Blogger The_Gator said...

maybe i should hire ney to do some bitch slapping.

11:41 PM  
Blogger Cubed said...

and I will do it again, if needed.

7:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I did see Cubed slug Buggy. I think he did it so he could make up to you with another hug.

3:25 PM  
Blogger We sing we dance we steal things said...

K- Boys, no hitting!

1:10 PM  

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