Another fun day.
This morning I got up and took off on a run. I did 7.3 miles and the run was awesome for my mental and the views. I got back and then took my son out and we did another 3.7 miles together. I was in PAIN. My stomach was hurting and it was radiating down my leg. IT SUCKED!

I got back and did some work on my pc and then did a bit of reading to let myself get better. My wife had read up about this Osteoitis thing and it said to do this Aleve thing to help. I started on that today and I think it has helped.
We than in the afternoon went out golfing. My in-laws and my son both hit 51 or 52 for 9 holes. I ended up at a score of 45. I had a few pars and all and I was happy with my score considering I have not played in almost 2 years.
Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday. We were not giving each other anything but I felt a bit guilty. So I decided to go buy her a new digital camera from Best Buy. I found one and bought it and while talking to the gal I was working with told her it was a birthday gift. She said hold on a minute and ran to the back room. She came back out with some wrapping paper and asked if that was okay. I said YES and she wrapped it for me. WOOHOO Rachel was amazing gal taking care of me that way. She went above and beyond her duty to make me a happy customer. Thank you Rachel. (Sweet People)
very nice...did you leave her a tip?
Happy Birthday to Miss Buggy!!!
That would be Mrs. Buggy, woops
Happy Birthday Mrs. Buggy.
Does she still read the blog?
I remember when you started addroc the wives used to.
Happy Birfday Mrs B!
That was sweet of you to get her the camera and sweet of Rachel to wrap it for you. Wouldn't it be nice if the whole world could be that way?
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