Buggy Time

I have been part of the blogging world and not ready to give it up. Thus I will continue here or be striked on until I continue.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Sis update

I picked up my nephew and then took him, my daughter and went and saw my sister tonight at the hospital. She had a head ache but the drugs were working and she was feeling better. They think it was the mix of antibiotics and pain medicine causing her the pain. The Pneumonia didn’t help. They are saying if all goes well she will get released on Friday. We have to get her well.

Okay guess I have to clear some things up. We don’t wear tights for Basketball. I wear running tights for running in the cold. I have a black and blue pair. I was running today and with a couple friends and they were talking about my blue tights. They like them better then the black ones. Not sure why?

For basketball some guys wear long shorts some wear shorter shorts. Not a retro league just a bunch of old FAT guys, like me, out trying to get a little running in for exercise.

You have me wondering about these pictures?

Last night’s game most of the guys were sucking wind and would run a couple minutes and want out. My son and I played the most minutes because we could run the whole time. It pays to be in shape that way.


Blogger We sing we dance we steal things said...

We may be girls but... We KNOW you don't wear tights for BB. You did admit to wearing tights for running though so now that we know you have tights you're screwed until we get a pic.
I know you have a ski mask laying around there some where too :-}

10:59 AM  

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