Buggy Time

I have been part of the blogging world and not ready to give it up. Thus I will continue here or be striked on until I continue.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween Items

Last night was Halloween. I missed it last year as I was traveling for work. This year it again went by very fast. It seems that every year my kids always picked some outfit that is not conducive to extended periods of trick or treating. This year my son as a High School Junior did not go out. He elected to instead play Xbox on the TV and hand out candy.

I took my daughter out with a friend of hers. It was actually a warm beautiful night and for once the kids were not all bundled up. I enjoyed walking along watching all the kids and parents walking along in the neighborhood. Little ghouls and some of the parents were also dressed up. I also now don’t have to watch my daughter go to every house so I could freely walk down the street talking to people outside handing out candy and to the other people trick or treating. I know a lot of people throughout the area so I was always talking to someone I knew and catching up on their kids.

Now to Gator’s issue. Please take into account the above paragraph of me knowing a lot of the people in the neighborhood. I as a over 40 male was even trick or treating. YES, I wandered up to a few houses and trick or treated. Instead of Candy I got a hug and a bit of time to talk to my friends. OK Gator I only trick or treated one house of someone I didn’t know. That was because she was sitting outside in a witches outfit and she handed me a piece of candy. YEP I should know better taking candy from a stranger but if my daughter can do it I figured I could also.


Blogger The_Gator said...

The key is... you were OFFERED CANDY. you didnt walk up to the lady with a bucket and say Trick or Treat... and hold out your bucket expecting to get candy.

Getting candy from friends and neighbors is different.

9:10 PM  
Blogger We sing we dance we steal things said...

I used to love taking the kids trick or treating on those warm years. We used to do the malls on the cold ones. Like mother like daughter they say, and my girls hated trick or treating in the cold.
I would venture to guess that the little witch sitting on the porch handing out candy wasn't a bad treat herself lol.

10:36 PM  

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