Buggy Time

I have been part of the blogging world and not ready to give it up. Thus I will continue here or be striked on until I continue.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Fun at Work

The hiring manager for Dumber at my new job asked me today if I was going to install anything on his pc to cause him problems. Like some message for him to report to the conference room for some problems he caused in the system. I said I was seriously thinking about it especially since I am the ring leader for the GET DUMBER CAMPAIGN.

One of the guys here decided to pull a prank on another new employee. He told her that the reason she could not see the information was because she needed a tester monitor and to go ask the IT department. That is me. Well we set her straight and he was just laughing hysterically at his prank.

Being a new person myself I decided to help the other new people pull one back on this guy. I had just purchased 4 new VOIP phones for us new people. In the boxes were some End User Agreements. I gave one to each of the new people and then went to this guys phone and looked at the MAC address and then asked him for his End User agreement. One of the new gals then said I have mine what didn’t he respond to the email to get his set up? I said I guess not and left to go check it out and for the new gals to pick on the guy a bit.

Shortly, after this guy comes to me and is sure that he never got the email. He had searched his emails completely and swears he never got it and if he is missing important all employee emails he is worried. We let him sweat a little and I gave him an extra User Agreement. He was thankful I had an extra for him and I told him I was taking care of it for him. Later in the day he found out the reality of it and was laughing that yep he had been gotten back. Lots of people had a good laugh.

This morning was breakfast day. MMMM eggs, and muffins for all. I really like Fridays. This was followed by getting to work on setting up a new wireless network for our training laptops. Was kind of a fun job with 13 computer all on a desk and was just working around in a circle putting them all on this network.


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