No More Whining

No more whining from me. I will though post the results when I hear them, but I would not hold my breath as I bet they find nothing. Any takers on that bet?
The issue of me feeling at times like I have been kicked in the boys is small and trivial when I look at some other things happening around me. I am sucking it up and going to deal with it from a different point of view. I have found that if I exercise, spinning class seems to help and as like today I went in there and after a short period of working out it numbs and goes away. So I am going to start riding first then try running immediately after to have it numb and then I will get my workouts and be a happy Buggy boy again. YES I been hearing murmurs about my mood and I will get that changed, I promise see me smiling ~~smiling~~.
Here is an example. I just heard from my mom about my sister who is at this moment very upset and heading to see a doctor. As most of you know she recently underwent a HUGE surgery where they rebuilt her pelvic floor. She was in the hospital almost at times we think to pass away from the surgery for almost a month. She has been having some problems and had a CAT scan this week. Hers came back with the following.
First she has a hole in her bladder that was caused by her initial surgery. The doctors with all their knives etc must have nicked the bladder causing the hole. Now a piece of her bowels is sticking into the hole and she is looking at a surgery to go in and remove that and sew the hole shut.
Second she has had this hard spot on her stomach. They found that her stomach muscle has herniated through and is now sticking out. I don’t know how all that works but it is not good. So that means surgery for that.
So here is my thought. My sister who is going through all this still brings me a protein shake almost every day and has all these issues and I don’t hear one word of complaint out of her. She barely talks about it with me when I am asking. She is a touch little cookie and a role model I should follow. The only difference though is I write about stuff in a journal, this blog, and people get to read it and she doesn’t.
It is important to stay tough and not whine, but at the same time its important to acknowledge that you have a problem that needs to be checked out and not ignored. I am a firm believer in positive thinking. I also believe there is a difference between whining and shutting down.
I'm with cubed!!! The power of positive thinking, but sometimes we forget, thank goodness for friends and family to support us.
I'm sorry to hear of your sisters health concerns but glad you have found inspiration through her.
Poor thing, I thought she was doing much better. You my friend need to take it easy for a bit...
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