Buggy Time

I have been part of the blogging world and not ready to give it up. Thus I will continue here or be striked on until I continue.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

This surgery seems to have knocked me down a bit more then I had expected. I was fully thinking that Friday I would have to make myself stay sitting to heal and that Saturday I would take it easy but go watch my daughter play softball and Sunday be pretty much sore but back to normal. Well I was wrong BUT even being wrong I think all is going very well. So here is the next update.

Friday I posted that I was down most of the day. Still just lying on the couch and watching movies with Vicadin and ice packs. Saturday decided to not go to softball fields and stayed home. I was able to get some work done but then when I was done I was ready to lie down again. I did decide to go off the Vicadin though so I took my last pain killer at noon. I made it till bed time and then took 800mg of Ibuprofen which I think is a much better way to manage pain and start getting off the big pain killers. I have not had any now since last night and I am not in any real pain now so going to go without if I can.

Last night I slept for almost 2 hours on the couch around the 8pm hour. I finally made myself wake up so that I might be able to sleep later when I went to bed and though darn it I will be up all night again. WRONG. I went to bed around 11 and almost immediately fell asleep. I woke to turn over around 4am and then was out again until after 8am which I was again trying to make myself wake up. I do not sleep this much and it is kind of freaking me out. I don’t sleep this much normally and when I do like I have been the last 4 days I start to feel lazy. I think today will be a bit harder to keep me downMy wife told me to shut up this morning and catch up on sleep since I am normally way behind. I can’t disagree but it does feel weird to be so tired.

I have done some more reading now on the hernia and the Vasectomy. Both have similar requirements for recovery. NO exercise or strenuous activities for a fortnight. Since when do they still use the word fortnight. I went and looked it up. A fortnight is 14 days. WOOHOO my next planned major exercise is a 10k run that is 18 days after the surgeries. I should be good as long as I can do it without pain. :)

I just talked to my sister and she is telling me she went to the movies yesterday. I was like CRAP am I a baby with my surgery. She said remember she is 2 days ahead of me in recovery. She had her surgery on Tuesday. She also added that she doesn’t have to go to work and can rest when she wants all the time where as it is more important I rest a lot right now these few days because I will be going back to normal working life and need to be back to normal so much faster. She is a sweetie.

I would also like to wish all the moms out there Happy Mother’s Day.


Blogger Unknown said...

Don't feel lazy Buggy. Your body uses a lot of energy when recovering from surgery. Get all the rest you can.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW they got you in surgery fast!

We have had no internet for almost a couple of weeks. Glad to hear you're on the mend.

- Bunny

12:38 AM  

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