Buggy Time

I have been part of the blogging world and not ready to give it up. Thus I will continue here or be striked on until I continue.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Obese Comments

Since I am reading about food and trying to change my diet some Cubed’s post on overweight made me decide to add my own post with some information. I have been reading about how foods have changed based on reports and marketing is using it to sell their food to us.

What I have read is if you go back about 15 years ago they decided that the fat in our food was what was causing our obesity rates to rise. The FDA issued a report on this and the people grabbed the idea. What happened is people quit eating fat foods. The companies selling food saw a decline in their sales and rushed to market fat free foods. The problem was that these fat free foods tasted like crap so to get flavor back then put in a bunch of sugar. WALA. The problem is people thought they could eat as much as they wanted and in the end ate a lot of sugar calories.

There is one more switch that happened like this with cholesterol and carbohydrates being the villains. The food market again made changes and again added sugars for flavor. This is just a very short synopsis of what has been happening.

To get the details and read more on this more in a book called The Abs Diet. As I found more information on this the book tries to sound like it is new and will help you. It really is not a diet but rather a book of information that tries to let you know what foods have in them and what you want to focus on for better health. The book does give some sample meal plans but only for a starting point. It is more about learning that we need to reduce trans fatty items and eat a healthy mixture of carbs, protein, fat, as they all play an important role in our health.

I will say I was listed and if you ran the numbers considered Obese. Then I started running 2 years ago and now I am still overweight but I am much happier. Exercise to me is the most important thing you can do to lose the weight. Now I am trying to get my eating habits under more control to maintain or even cut a few more pounds to in the end live a longer and healthier life.

Update if the clouds move on and it is not raining or lighting I will be taking Cubed, TB and my son out boating and skiing tonight. J


Blogger We sing we dance we steal things said...

Wow, you're like getting serous about posting. Keep it up. I've stopped by a few times but didn't leave a comment because I had more than one line of stuff to say and I kept getting detoured.
As much exercise as you get I'm surprised your not a twig. I'm wondering if the government doesn't want people to be fat. As you pointed out, they keep changing their minds on what we're supposed to eat and I can't believe they can send a man to the moon but they can't figure out what we're supposed to eat to keep us healthy. I just starve myself, that usually works but I'm a little too skinny right now.

3:00 AM  

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