Buggy Time

I have been part of the blogging world and not ready to give it up. Thus I will continue here or be striked on until I continue.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tired with Summer Time Activities

Well since being done with my daughter’s softball things have moved into filling in summer time activities. This means packing every night with as much stuff as possible that we don’t normally have time to do with sports in full swing.
I am finishing up our adult softball league now also. We have 1 more game next week and then the tournament on the 11th of August. This means Monday nights are still filled.
We have been going boating a couple times a week and my kids love it. Both have learned to ski this year. My daughter just had a birthday this last weekend and we bought her some skis off eBay that she will try tonight for the first time. My sister bought a set of skis last week that had the full boots on them. I was a bit leery of them but took them out anyway. I didn’t particularly like the way they pulled but did fine. My son got up on them and being a beginner, young, fearless teenager, started showing off. He promptly fell and what I thought would happen happened. The skis with the boots like that don’t release. They stay connected to you and twist your legs. His knee bruised up and we took him to the doctor last week. He has a grade 1 MCL tear. Just be careful and let it heal and we will use a brace on his leg tonight for skiing.
Wednesday nights are late night swim at our pool. So that means we take go every Wednesday to swim until the pool closes at 10pm. This makes for a tiring Thursday morning for everyone. Then Thursday night we try to go boating again.
The weekends hit and we end up on picnics, trips to the mountains, more boating or jet skiing and dinner with family. Sunday I spent most of the day at the Stanley hotel in Estes Park. This is the famous hotel where the Shining was filmed. It was beautiful sitting on their front porch looking over the valley drinking Mojito’s all afternoon. I felt fine but it was wise to have my wife drive us home just to make sure.
I will post more next week. The teaser is though that I will be running a 195 mile 12 person relay this weekend. I did this relay last year and it was a blast. I am running the same legs 1, 13, and 25 of which 13 is the killer. Feel free to take a look at the site http://www.wildwestrelay.com/ and if you don’t hear from me then I might be lying on the side of the road along stretch 13.
Now if I could put together some money, time off and a team there are these relays to do also. http://www.coloradorelay.com/ and http://www.rtbrelay.com/index.shtml and http://www.greenmountainrelay.com/. Maybe someday I will be able to run all of them.


Blogger The_Gator said...

wow...good luck. Make sure the wife takes pictures of you collapsed on the ground. If you die ...we want proof.

A picture of her poking you with a stick will do.

1:22 AM  
Blogger We sing we dance we steal things said...

Adult softball league on Mondays, boating a couple times a week, Wed's pool party, Thurs boating, weekend picnics and trips, and running a million miles on top of everything else. OMG when do you find time to breath?
I didn't know you're in Colorado??? I've been to the shining place before, it was beautiful. If memory serves me right (it usually doesn't) it was in Colorado.
At least if we don't hear from you we know what state to look for you lying on the side of the road, lol. Gator and I can fly in and he can poke you with the stick himself and I can blog it.
Good luck on the relay! Go Team Buggy!

3:11 AM  

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